So last night I found myself wandering around the house with a bit of time. I was looking over a bookcase wondering if there was anything of interest, and wishing I had my Pic-a-Pix puzzles with me. I wandered out to the deck and found one of my sisters there, doing what? Pic-a-Pix puzzles! I excitedly sat down and began one along with her, enjoying the beautiful evening out doors and the fun puzzling-turned-coloring game of Pic-a-Pix. It was a great evening!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Spring Evening Puzzles
Spring weather is here in Edmonton and yesterday it was so pleasant to be outdoors! (It was warm enough to be outside without a coat and bini, that's saying something :)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I picked up the puzzles again the other day and this one was fun because there was so much background filled in first, but I still had no idea what the picture was!
This puzzle came out of a book of them: Pic-a-Pix, the Latest Puzzling Fix!
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