Wednesday, October 16, 2013

All about Pic-a-Pix

All about Pic-a-Pix!

Pic-a-Pix is an addictive puzzle from Japan. 

Other names it is known by are: Picross, Nonogram, and Griddlers. 

Each Pic-a-Pix puzzle consists of a blank grid with clues on the left of every row and on the top of every column. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by coloring blocks in each row and column so their length and sequence corresponds to the clue.

So that this: might become something like this: 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Brother Puzzling

My 11 year old brother was visiting a few weeks ago, and while the adults were talking he was bored out of his mind. He found my book of Pic-a-Pix puzzles on the coffee table and asked me to teach him how to do them.  It took a couple practice puzzles for him to get the idea, and then he went bonkers doing puzzles! He loved them!

For kids and adults alike, these puzzles are a blast. :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Book of Puzzles!

Diane Baher has a new book of Puzzles out for everyone to enjoy! 

Pick-a-Pix Puzzles Go West

Click on the link to take a look at this new puzzle book, buy one for yourself or friends, and enjoy puzzling away. :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pic-a-Pix in Labor

I has a baby!

I had a few days of Braxton-hicks labor (baby just pretending to want to be born...). Here is an excerpt from my birth story, the part where I did Pic-a-Pix puzzles galore:

After my midwife appointment, I spent the day at home cleaning, napping, and trying to coach my body into labor. This was a very strange idea, to try to coach my body into feeling pain… it was an interesting experience. I had some Braxton hicks contractions, but nothing that progressed. My husband came home from work, we ate dinner, and then I went with him back to work to try to finish his project. I sat on a blue yoga/birth ball and bounced (supposed to induce labor) while doing Pic-a-Pix puzzles to pass the time. I had mild contractions, -just a tightening up front, really, but it all died off around 11pm. I was having a great time doing Pic-a-Pix puzzles. I probably did 5 or 6, and was getting creative with the colors I was using. :) Midnight came and we went home.

Saturday, 16 February: 11 days overdue:
                Saturday morning we slept in. I had agreed to meet the midwife again at 1pm Saturday if I hadn't gone into labor. My husband and I ate breakfast and went back to his work to continue on his project. I left him there to go to my appointment. My midwife said that if I didn't go into labor today, she wanted to schedule a medical induction at the hospital tomorrow, Sunday. (I didn't want to be induced!!) Baby was still happy as a clam inside.  After leaving the Midwife’s office Saturday afternoon, I took lunch back to my honey and did some more bouncing and Pic-a-Pix puzzles while he finished up. Thank goodness for the Pic-a-Pix puzzles! I really needed something to pass the time, something that would use enough mental power that I wouldn't worry in and out of it. Pic-a-Pix did the trick.  We left around dinnertime. And that evening around 9pm I went into labor! 

Perhaps I should keep those puzzles I did during labor in my baby's birth book, haha.